Hi, I am Jen, mom to three young children. I am a mom, writer, and spent over sixteen years working in an Information and Technology career.
During my time as a Systems Engineer I worked on various government contracts and accrued several Microsoft certifications. I most recently worked for a managed web hosting company before having children.
Once my children were born I turned my attention to raising them, and started a couple of websites. My other site is breastfeedingneeds.com where I have written extensively about pregnancy and breastfeeding, two of my passions.
I started this site to write about my other passion, technology! Join along as I review new tech, apps, social media, and anything else tech and parenting related. I try to keep a special focus on how technology affects our children.
Please get in touch and ask me any and all questions you may have as you check out my site.
Thanks for stopping by!