I was recently sent a Currant Smart Outlet to review. I have tried a few different types of smart plugs so I was excited to try a new one out.
What sets Currant apart from typical smart plugs is that it monitors your power usage, and uses artificial intelligence to suggest ways to save energy. I was definitely curious to see this information as this is something I have never tried before.

The Currant smart plug is sleek and good looking with a reflective surface. It has two power outlets on the plug and they can be controlled individually. The hardware plate is designed to be rotated in whichever direction you need for your cords.
The setup is simple. All you do is plug it in and get connected to the Currant app. The app automatically detects the outlet and displays information on energy usage for each top and bottom plug. I found the app aesthetically pleasing and easy to use.

You can opt to set outlet-specific rules right away to turn the power on and off according to your schedule. Or, you can use Currant as a normal outlet for a week, and it will deliver tailored suggestions based on the types of device utilized, the amount of energy consumed, and your unique usage patterns.
After viewing this breakdown of your power usage and using the suggestions given you may be able to save money on your energy bills. The suggestions given are easy to implement.

Here is some information from Currant about the smart plug and app:
● Real-time electricity usage and intuitive graphs that display energy consumption and cost by hour, day, month, or year.
● Remote monitoring and control, so customers can ensure that devices and appliances are off whether they’re down the street or across the country.
● Connections with Amazon Alexa and Google Home to enable voice control of outlets and devices.
● Advanced energy monitoring with each outlet calibrated using high-precision test equipment.
● The highest safety ratings of any smart outlet.

I have set up my Currant plug with my TV and then with my power strip containing an Apple TV, an Amazon Echo, and a Sonos bar. I am planning to monitor my usage for awhile and see what suggestions Currant comes up with. Either way I will set up some rules to turn these devices off at night when they are not being used.
I have also connected Currant to my Amazon Echo so I can use Alexa to control it. The whole thing is pretty technologically cool and so far I love it. It has been enlightening to see the breakdown of energy being used by my devices.

I am now feeling like I would love to set these Currant outlets up throughout my entire home. I imagine the information I would learn about our power consumption habits would give me complete control over the whole house and save us money.
For anyone wanting to control their power usage and have a smart outlet in their home, I definitely recommend the Currant Smart Outlet. Please let me know if you have any questions about it at all!
Pari Kooshesh
Monday 31st of December 2018
What information did you gain? Like did it tell you for example, if you turn off X appliance it will save you X amount of electricity? Is it smart that it can turn on and off devices based on need?
Tuesday 1st of January 2019
Hi, it gives suggestions like turn off these devices for this time period or turn them on for this period of time. It recommends this based on usage and then having the devices automatically turned off when not being used will save some money. You have to enable the rules it suggests to turn devices on and off, it will not do it itself until you enable it. Hope this helps!