I have been neglecting writing here much recently due to the fact that my husband and I put a contract down on a home. So exciting, but it has required us to quickly get our current home ready to be on the market. I have been packing and packing and cleaning it out in order to stage it and it's a lot of work.
That said, I am looking forward to attempting to score two iPhone X's this Friday October 27th which is the preorder date for the launch day of November 3rd. Apple has let it be known that only 20 million will be available throughout the end of the year, and only 2-3 million will be available at launch so it may be hard to get one. My husband and I are both eligible for upgrades and since we use our iPhones for work heavily we are hoping to be part of the lucky few who get them.

Here are all the tips for a successful score I have come across:
First check your upgrade eligibility with your carrier, and pay any fees needed ahead of time to be ready to upgrade.
Use the Apple store app. This is supposed to be the easiest and quickest way to get the phone. Check that you can log into the app and don't have any issues accessing it before launch time.
Get the app for your phone carrier to have as a back up. Most carriers including mine (ATT) are recommending ordering the iPhone X through their apps as well. Also, log into those and check you can access them.
Be ready to order before launch time. The iPhone X will be ready for preorder starting at 12:00 Pacific time on October 27th. For those of us on the East Coast this means 3:00 AM this Friday (practically Thursday night).
Do a practice run of ordering. Open the Apple app and try ordering another phone (iPhone 8) so you can go through the process and make sure there are no issues. Just cancel before you go through with it. I just did this test and it worked great, yay! This tip is key to making sure you can order quickly.
When it is time to order you may want to have the app open on your phone or iPad as well as the Apple store on your computer browser.
Figure out what color and configuration you want ahead of time so there is no pausing at order time.
Your other option is go to the Apple store and stand in line on November 3rd and hope to get lucky. You probably should head there early for this. We've tried this in the past and have not had much luck so getting up at 3 AM and preordering this Friday is the right choice for me.